Wall Roll Stand

The Dehnco Wall Roll Stand is used to store rolls of material on any vertical surface to keep it off the floor or table.

Key Benefits

Organize Product Flow
Create Maximum Wall Roll Stand Storage Space
Stimulate Wall Roll Stand Storage Organization
Maximize Wall Roll Stand Space
Increase Wall Roll Stand Storage Efficiency
Boost Wall Roll Stand Storage Productivity
Raise Worker Morale
Improve Wall Stand Storage Aesthetics

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Typical Applications

The Dehnco Wall Roll Stand is used to store rolls of material on any vertical surface to keep it off the floor or table. The base and uprights supports bolt into any flat surface. The cantilever arms are available to hold roll diameters up to 48-inches.

Rolls mount onto removable roll bar. The bar rests in sturdy notches in the arm. The system is a low cost way to put roll material within easy reach.

Stands are ruggedly constructed for long life.


Part #Description
TRSEC-3612 max roll width 24" - max diameter 24" used with economy cutter EC-2436
TRSEC-3624 max roll width 24" - max diameter 48" used with economy cutter EC-2436
TRSEC-4812 max roll width 36" - max diameter 24" used with economy cutter EC-3648
TRSEC-4824 max roll width 36" - max diameter 48" used with economy cutter EC-3648
TRSRC-4412 max roll width 30" - max diameter 24" used with economy cutter RC-3044
TRSRC-4424 max roll width 30" - max diameter 48" used with economy cutter RC-3044
TRSRC-5412 max roll width 40" - max diameter 24" used with economy cutter RC-4054
TRSRC-5424 max roll width 40" - max diameter 48" used with economy cutter RC-4054
TRSRC-6412 max roll width 50" - max diameter 24" used with economy cutter RC-5064
TRSRC-6424 max roll width 50" - max diameter 48" used with economy cutter RC-5064

General Specifications

  • The Wall Roll Stand can be used with any Dehnco rotary shear/economy cutter or as a stand alone system.
  • The Dehnco Wall Roll Stand will accommodate rolls of material up to 50" wide and up tp 48" in diameter.
  • Stand is constructed of formed metal components which supports up to 100 pounds. It can be mounte on any flat surface.
  • The uprights of the Wall Roll Stand are adjustable in height to allow the leading edge of the material to be at the most ergonomic position for the worker.
  • Casters are available to make the wall roll stand stand portable.

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