Dehnco Featured in Modern Materials Handling Special Issue

Work Better

President Jeff Dehnert spoke to the magazine about the importance of the perfectly organized workbench and much more.

Dehnco Equipment was featured in Modern Materials Handling’s special digital issue on Pallets and Packaging. President Jeff Dehnert spoke to the magazine about the importance of the perfectly organized workbench and the benefits businesses can expect to see when they opt for ergonomic designs. 

In the age of AI and automation, the manual pack out station can be an afterthought when it comes to optimizing material flow. And that’s a big mistake many warehouses and distribution centers are making. 

When workbenches and pack out stations are designed for ergonomic use, seamless integration, and optimal organization, it presents an enormous opportunity to improve safety, speed, and efficiency. Attention to detail — especially when it comes to areas like workstation height, materials placement, and worker behavior — can make all the difference.  

“We see ourselves as being like an integration point between the automation and the manual processes that need to happen at pack out,” Dehnert says. “It’s all about thinking through the flow and the process you want to create, and keeping worker health at the center of things.”

Modern Material Handling's article, The way to Perfect Pack Out

For the full feature, visit

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