Dehnco has been in business for over forty years as a family owned business. We strive to incorporate our sense of family in all we do, with ourselves, our employees, our partners and our customers. Family values such as Giving freely of ourselves, communicating, being honest, being trustworthy, acting with integrity, and learning how to support one another extends beyond just our own family and into our communities and the world at large
We share an expectation and obligation to give back to our local communities, as well as, contributing to causes that can impact the world beyond.
Sharing our support whether through actions, donations, or other assistance, we want to be an example for future generations to see and understand the importance of the simple principles of sharing, of compassion, and of giving without the expectation of receiving, in an endeavor to better our world.
Dehnco has been fortunate to be involved with two outstanding partners that share our sense of family and sense of giving back.
Working Better for our Local Community
We are working with Purple Plunge, Inc., a local 501(c)(3) non-profit cancer charity dedicated to helping local families affected by cancer.
Purple Plunge is dedicated to making each day about being with family, focusing on health, and not stressing over the day to day responsibilities that cloud the mind of those fighting cancer. Whether it is a little extra gas money, house cleaning, a date night, or some assistance with utilities, Purple Plunge will work with each cancer survivor to lighten their financial burdens.
Thanks to everyone's support, Purple Plunge has already been able to make a difference in the lives of of so many people who have been affected by cancer. Learn more...
Barrington Area Council on Aging
Since 1984, Bacoa has been the Barrington area's primary resource helping adults, families, and caregivers seek information and support on issues involving aging.
Bacoa’s programs and services offer creative solutions that help older adults navigate the dynamic process of aging, and allow them to live life to their full potential and on their own terms.
Our services and programs help older adults maintain a quality of life that matches their needs, their wants, and their abilities. Most Bacoa services are free or on a sliding-fee scale, based on the senior’s financial status. No one is ever refused services because of an inability to pay.
Bacoa serves more than 1,500 individuals annually. Our focus is primarily on Barrington, North Barrington, South Barrington, Lake Barrington, Barrington Hills, Deer Park, and Tower Lakes. We also serve families and caregivers from outside the area who request information on local services for a friend or family member. Growing older, or caring for an older family member, can pose complex challenges. Our team of professionals helps older adults and families better navigate these challenges.
Bacoa’s core values are respect, compassion, stewardship, creativity, and transparency. Bacoa is a federally qualified, public charitable corporation, or a 501(c)(3), referring to the Internal Revenue Service code. All contributions to our mission are tax-deductible, as allowed by the IRS, and according to your specific taxable status.
Meals with Wheels
Bacoa’s Meals with Wheels program provides hot, nutritious meals to older adults who are unable to prepare meals for themselves either because of poor health or low income. Participants can also receive meals on a short-term basis after a hospitalization or rehab stay.
Bacoa serves some 4,000 meals annually. Deliveries are made by local organizations and volunteers.
For more information about receiving Meals with Wheels, please call Bacoa at (847) 381-5030.
Learn more at
Working Better for our Global Community
Missionary Ventures Canada (MVC) is a Christian interdenominational organization that works with individuals and churches to bring the love and message of Christ to a hurting world. Not only do we provide opportunities for people to become actively involved in serving in projects overseas, we also implement and direct international projects through churches involving education, feeding programs, agricultural initiatives, water filtration projects, skills development and medical clinic, which address many social justice concerns in many countries. Your personal involvement and support can not only be a source of inspiration to those who live in difficult and dire situations, but also helps to bring the love of Jesus Christ to a hurting world.
The foundation of Missionary Ventures Canada is based on Great Commandments – “Love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength – AND – Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” Love is at the core of who we are and what we are called to be – People of LOVE.
The purpose of Missionary Ventures Canada is to develop sustainable projects and initiatives, which change the lives of people so that we all may become what God has created us to be.
Missionary Ventures Canada’s overall goal is to identify, equip and empower national Christian leaders to become self-sustaining and communities to be impacted. We encourage Canadians to become personally involved in projects overseas and to implement and direct projects that change lives, families, communities and nations. This can only be accomplished through culturally sensitive practices and with the utmost respect for those whom we serve.
In terms of management, Missionary Ventures Canada’s philosophy is local responsibility, but always with outside accountability. This principle always recognizes that project management is best facilitated by the individual closest to the program or ministry.
Our world is hurting and broken and we are all called to be active participants in Reaching, Rebuilding and Restoring this broken world. We want to be a voice for the poor, by developing and overseeing projects and programs that effectively serve the needs of the poor, marginalized and forgotten.
Although access to quality medical care is limited in all areas, remote areas and the indigenous populations suffer the greatest. A health clinic was established in the area outside of Nebaj in 2005, but due to the overwhelming need for health care resources, the space has been far outgrown.
Presently, the clinic is fully self sustaining and staffed by 29 trained professionals, including several doctors, nurses, a surgeon, lab tech, a pharmacist and an administrator, however due to the growing need, this is not enough. A proposal to turn the clinic into a full hospital has been passed, and construction has started, however there is still much work that needs to be done. The building effort relies heavily on donations and efforts of mission teams to help to fund and finish this project.
Dehnco, along with our partner Calstone Inc., has committed to raise the funds to finish this much needed facility.

Progress is being made on the construction of the the new hospital.